Rose Herbal Tea - Best Rose Tea Ever!
The original of Rose Floweryvale Fresh Baked Scented Tea :
When the first sunrays begin to shine, a group of pickers come to rosarium to pick the new glittering rose blooms.Every rose of Rosa Floweryvale is picked from the first bloom on the plants, which carries the endless charm of nature.Its fragrance and sweetness sent forth after infusing in water stem from nature and nutrition of the land. The most important reason why every rose is filled with nutrition is the exclusive professional baking technique of Rosa Floweryvale , which ensures the tea of the same fragrance and savor from the fresh rose. When encountering a cup of good tea, you can taste an air of pureness.
Ingredient: Fresh rose planted domestically is the only ingredient. And the professional baking skill restores the most natural rose smell, which contributes to a cup of fragrant scented tea.
Infusion Condition: Put 1~2 baked roses into a cup with a lid or vacuum cup; Pour water about 80 degree; cover the lid for several minutes. When the lid is opened, fragrance will spread all around. Then you can drink it with flower scent full of your mouth.
Retention Period:Due to the fact of no additive used to the tea, it should be consumed within 3 months under normal weather condition. Need to be sealed after unpacking. It can be stored for 1 year in unopened dry and low temperature environment.
Medical efficacy: Excellent roses, a kind of rare herbal medicine with a gentle nature, have function on promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation to relieve menalgia, soothing liver, relieving stagnation, calming the nerces, removing pathogenic fire and halitosis, relaxing bowel, softening blood vessels, regulating blood flow, harmonizing the interior and protecting the skin, aiding digestion, burning fat, especially deficiency-fire caused by staying up. Constant drinking can eliminate the spots on skin and make your skin healthful.
Person who is be pregnant or get ready pregnant not included!
Rose Floweryvale 新鲜烘焙花茶的由来
晨曦初露,一群群采摘者提着篮子来到玫瑰园中,采摘下植株一朵朵刚刚绽放,晶莹的玫瑰花,Rose Floweryvale的每颗花茶,均取植株上的第一朵鲜花,其承载着大自然无穷的魅力,浸泡于水中呈现出花香仙灵,鲜爽醇甜的滋味,都得益于它一年生长中尽其所能地吸收天地灵气及土壤的营养于一身,使之花茶得以颗颗饱含精华,营养成分极高,再源自于Rose Floweryvale拥有的行内老花窖师的专人把控烘焙,并非小农小户自起炉灶,才使得花茶保留着与鲜花时相似的气息与风味,当您邂逅一杯好茶时,亦能品出其中清纯之气.
成分: 唯一取材为玫瑰鲜花,由国内北方玉带河流域种植,再源自老花窖师的烘培手艺,还原最自然的玫瑰花气息,让您享受一杯花香环绕的汤茶.
保存期限: 鉴于无任何添加,开封后常温保存请于三个月内饮完,拆封后需密封保存,未开封低温干燥保存则存放一年.
药用功效: 好的玫瑰花茶是一种珍贵的药材,尤其药性温和,有很好的行气活血,调经止痛,疏肝解郁,安神降火,尤其是熬夜引起的虚火,去口臭,润肠通便, 软化血管,调理血气,内调养肤,助消化, 消脂肪等天然的药用功能,长期饮用还可消除皮肤上的色斑,喝出水嫩白皙的健康肌肤。
注意事项: 孕妇及备孕期间不适合饮用!
When the first sunrays begin to shine, a group of pickers come to rosarium to pick the new glittering rose blooms.Every rose of Rosa Floweryvale is picked from the first bloom on the plants, which carries the endless charm of nature.Its fragrance and sweetness sent forth after infusing in water stem from nature and nutrition of the land. The most important reason why every rose is filled with nutrition is the exclusive professional baking technique of Rosa Floweryvale , which ensures the tea of the same fragrance and savor from the fresh rose. When encountering a cup of good tea, you can taste an air of pureness.
Ingredient: Fresh rose planted domestically is the only ingredient. And the professional baking skill restores the most natural rose smell, which contributes to a cup of fragrant scented tea.
Infusion Condition: Put 1~2 baked roses into a cup with a lid or vacuum cup; Pour water about 80 degree; cover the lid for several minutes. When the lid is opened, fragrance will spread all around. Then you can drink it with flower scent full of your mouth.
Retention Period:Due to the fact of no additive used to the tea, it should be consumed within 3 months under normal weather condition. Need to be sealed after unpacking. It can be stored for 1 year in unopened dry and low temperature environment.
Medical efficacy: Excellent roses, a kind of rare herbal medicine with a gentle nature, have function on promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation to relieve menalgia, soothing liver, relieving stagnation, calming the nerces, removing pathogenic fire and halitosis, relaxing bowel, softening blood vessels, regulating blood flow, harmonizing the interior and protecting the skin, aiding digestion, burning fat, especially deficiency-fire caused by staying up. Constant drinking can eliminate the spots on skin and make your skin healthful.
Person who is be pregnant or get ready pregnant not included!
Rose Floweryvale 新鲜烘焙花茶的由来
晨曦初露,一群群采摘者提着篮子来到玫瑰园中,采摘下植株一朵朵刚刚绽放,晶莹的玫瑰花,Rose Floweryvale的每颗花茶,均取植株上的第一朵鲜花,其承载着大自然无穷的魅力,浸泡于水中呈现出花香仙灵,鲜爽醇甜的滋味,都得益于它一年生长中尽其所能地吸收天地灵气及土壤的营养于一身,使之花茶得以颗颗饱含精华,营养成分极高,再源自于Rose Floweryvale拥有的行内老花窖师的专人把控烘焙,并非小农小户自起炉灶,才使得花茶保留着与鲜花时相似的气息与风味,当您邂逅一杯好茶时,亦能品出其中清纯之气.
成分: 唯一取材为玫瑰鲜花,由国内北方玉带河流域种植,再源自老花窖师的烘培手艺,还原最自然的玫瑰花气息,让您享受一杯花香环绕的汤茶.
保存期限: 鉴于无任何添加,开封后常温保存请于三个月内饮完,拆封后需密封保存,未开封低温干燥保存则存放一年.
药用功效: 好的玫瑰花茶是一种珍贵的药材,尤其药性温和,有很好的行气活血,调经止痛,疏肝解郁,安神降火,尤其是熬夜引起的虚火,去口臭,润肠通便, 软化血管,调理血气,内调养肤,助消化, 消脂肪等天然的药用功能,长期饮用还可消除皮肤上的色斑,喝出水嫩白皙的健康肌肤。
注意事项: 孕妇及备孕期间不适合饮用!